Monday, March 29, 2010

Six word stories

Some facts:

1- I seem to have gotten really busy lately.

2- I feel strongly about my commitment to blog every M-F.

3- Sometimes I have trouble thinking of blog topics.

4- I am working on editing the book (and then dialogue) of a new musical for MRC. The general idea is- use fewer words.

5- There are a few people who just started reading my blog who want to catch up.

6- I am entertained by writing exercises like the six word story.

Therefore. I present to you, all of my blogs so far, summarized in six words each. Enjoy.

About me: An Autobiography in Decades
Almost 35, starting a blog today

Get A Job (Sha-na-na-na)
Need more money but can't work

At the End of the Day You're Another Day Older
Mommy Days: always long, usually rewarding

Why I Write:
I write for aesthetics, education, therapy

Beware the Ides of March
Daylight Savings Time Makes Depression Worse

On Baby Sock Bunnies and Other Very Important Tasks:
Sometimes crafting makes me feel better

Wearing O' the Green
Go Bobcats, go bobcats, go bobcats.

Wearing O' the Green Part 2
We just beat Georgetown? Really? Wohooo!

Sticks and Stones
Dear Republicans: please be nice. Thanks.

Adoption Stories Part 1
People say ridiculous things to me.

Here's to the Super Heroes
Woman are gorgeous, intelligent, brave, flawed

(no title)
Sometimes depression sneaks up on me

Freelancing and Calendars and To-Do Lists (Oh My!)
Time management will kick depression's butt.

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